This beautifully-presented and accessible text covers all the essential topics that are typically required at the intermediate level, from consumer and producer theory to market structure (perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly). Intermediate Microeconomics: A Tool-Building Approach is a clear and concise, calculus-based exposition of current microeconomic theory essential for students pursuing degrees in Economics or Business. The book includes 140 self-assessment exercises, giving students an opportunity to apply concepts from previous worked-out examples. The book walks readers through each algebra step and calculation, so only a basic background in algebra and calculus is assumed. The book provides step-by-step tools for solving standard exercises, offering students a common approach for solving similar problems. Each chapter presents the basic theoretical elements, reducing them to their main ingredients, and offering several worked-out examples and applications as well as the intuition behind each mathematical assumption and result. It avoids lengthy conceptual description and focuses on worked-out examples and step-by-step solutions. This book takes a concise, example-filled approach to intermediate microeconomic theory. Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Book Review:Ī short, rigorous introduction to intermediate microeconomic theory that offers worked-out examples, tools for solving exercises, and algebra support.